Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rest in Peace Mr Jobs

The legendary Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer October 5 at the age of 56.  Most young people associate Steve Jobs with the creation of the iPod, iPhone and iPad but his contributions span beyond these devices...

Steve Jobs was born in 1955 and grew up in California with an interest in electronics.  As a teenager he contacted William Hewlett, President of Hewlett-Packard, to request parts for a school project and ended up getting the parts and a summer job.  He was a visionary man with an nonconforming life including a brief experience in college before dropping out, a short job designing Atari video games, backpacking across India and experiences with psychedelic drugs.  His experiences influenced his creativity and ideas throughout his adult life.

Steve became friends with Steve Wozniak while working at HP.  Jobs and Wozniak partnered together to launch Apple Computers with two others.  They built their first computer in 1976 in Steve Job's parent's garage.  The product was sold unassembled, had no keyboard or monitor and cost $666.66.  The following year Apple created the Apple II which was a big hit in the market.  The Macintosh computer was launched in early 1984. Two years later Jobs left the company then started a marginally successful computer company, NeXT Computer.  Jobs then bought Pixar Studios from George Lucas where he shared his visions and led the successful animation company.  In 1996, Apple bought NeXT which brought Jobs back to Apple.

In 2001, Jobs introduced the iPod followed by iTunes, the iPhone, the App Store and the iPad.  Steve Jobs left this world early but has left a legacy that will live in the memories of many...

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